The Augmented Reality Photo Booth

Elevate your AR photo booth experience by leveraging AR technology allowing brands to find innovative ways to engage and captivate their customers. Turn physical prints or digital assets into an immersive augmented reality experience.

AR Gamification Quiz

Mastering Gamification Strategies for Customer Insights

Gamification is a powerful technique that can be utilised through AR interactive QR Codes to engage customers and gain deeper insights into their preferences. By integrating game elements into the AR experience, brands can stimulate multiple purchases, encourage customer loyalty, and gather data on customer behaviour and preferences.

This valuable information can be harnessed to refine marketing strategies, optimise product development, and drive revenue growth.

Suitable for a variety of online and offline campaigns involving physical print media or digital assets.

WebAR: How It Works

Unlike many AR solutions, we eliminate the need for customers to download a dedicated app to access the AR content.

Scan a QR Code or Follow a Link

Access the AR campaign effortlessly by scanning a QR code or following a dedicated link on a mobile device.

Engage in a Custom-Branded Experience

Users are led through a user-friendly and branded experience where they can interact with prompts related to your campaign or goals.

Gather Data and Track Interest

Optimise your sales strategy with reports to fully understand your prospects’ interests and offer what they crave.

Use Cases

Our platform provides a wide selection of templates tailored specifically for brand marketing.

Quizzes & Surveys

Create interactive quizzes and surveys that captivate your target audience, generate valuable leads, and enhance brand visibility.

Interactive Print + Packaging

Bridge the gap between offline and online media. Get insights from your printed media and shape your content strategy based on it.

Geo-location Treasure Hunt

Activate your geo-campaign on the map with a city-wide treasure hunt experience: choose the prize, set the challenge, share with customers and get ready for action!

Product Visualisation

Boost sales by giving your customers a try-before-you-buy experience while online shopping, or performing virtual demos.

Launch an Augmented Reality Photo Booth Campaign Today!

Contact us today to begin your AR journey with Snap & Slay.

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